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Category: Memory Care

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When Should You Stop Driving With Parkinson’s?

A close-up image of a senior demonstrating safe driving habits with their hands at the 10 and 2 o'clock positions on their steering wheel.

Living with Parkinson’s disease presents its own unique challenges. One of these challenges can be driving ability. However, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer as to when you should stop driving with Parkinson’s disease, as it depends on the progression of symptoms and on varying state laws. For many, driving symbolizes independence and freedom, a notion […]

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7 Activities for Seniors in Memory Care

A group of happy seniors play chess in a peaceful apartment.

Dementia and other cognitive difficulties can make many aspects of life more difficult, but there are still plenty of opportunities to make it vibrant and engaging. Keeping both the mind and body active is crucial for overall well-being. That’s why memory care focuses on more than just support for daily activities—it fosters laughter, creativity, and […]

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When to Move from Assisted Living to Memory Care

A senior woman suffering from back pain is sitting at the side of her bed having a hard time standing.

Deciding to transfer a loved one from assisted living into memory care is never easy, but sometimes it becomes necessary due to changes in behavior or physical abilities caused by Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, or other forms of cognitive decline. We can help you understand why and when to transfer your loved ones from […]

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