Resident & Caregiver Resources

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Here to Support Residents & Their Families

Joining a senior living community is a significant decision to make, but we’re here to ensure the entire process is easy and simple for everyone, especially your loved one. 

Read through our curated list of helpful resources that provide all the details you and your loved one needs to enjoy complete peace of mind and a thriving quality of life.

If you have any questions, please visit our FAQ page for more information or contact us today to learn more about the exciting experiences that await.

Resident Resources

The following resources are a great place to start preparing for the next step in your loved one’s journey. Please take a moment to browse through our curated list, or contact us today if you have any other questions.

Caregiver Resources

Caregivers are at the heart of the incredible experiences we provide here at Brooklyn Pointe Assisted Living & Memory Care, so it’s important for us to help them perform at their best.

Learn more about the approach our caregivers provide, or learn more about providing quality care:

Every journey is different, so please get in touch with us today about any caregiving questions you might have.

How Can We Help?

Be part of a senior living experience like no other, and schedule a visit with our community today.

Why Choose Us?

Variety of Lifestyle Options

From top-tier assisted living to specialized memory care services and short-term respite care, our lifestyles are designed to meet every need.

Services & Experiences

With the help of our outstanding line of supportive services, we provide an exceptional senior living experience for every community member.

Leaders in Memory Care

At Brooklyn Pointe, we’re leaders in comprehensive and holistic memory care services. With the help of our specially trained team, we provide a place of ease and belonging.

Our Contact Information


  • 4800 Idlewood Dr
  • Brooklyn, OH 44144

We are located behind Ridge Park Square.


Brooklyn Pointe Snapshots



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