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When Should You Stop Driving With Parkinson’s?

A close-up image of a senior demonstrating safe driving habits with their hands at the 10 and 2 o'clock positions on their steering wheel.

Living with Parkinson’s disease presents its own unique challenges. One of these challenges can be driving ability. However, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer as to when you should stop driving with Parkinson’s disease, as it depends on the progression of symptoms and on varying state laws. For many, driving symbolizes independence and freedom, a notion […]

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7 Balance Exercises for Seniors

An older woman and man do balance exercises outside

Balance exercises are an important component of any senior fitness routine. As we age, our balance tends to decline, making us more susceptible to falls and injuries. Incorporating balance exercises into your daily routine can help improve stability and prevent falls. Here are seven balance exercises that seniors can do at home: 1. Single Leg […]

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How Often Should You Visit a Parent in Assisted Living

A woman holding hands with her mother during a visit to an assisted living community.

Moving your parent to an assisted living community is a significant step for both of you. You may wonder how frequently you should visit to support their independence while providing necessary assistance. To establish an ideal visit schedule, consider your parent’s specific needs and external factors that might influence them. Balancing their independence with flexibility […]

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